Pursue Happiness


Happy New Year!  As we move into 2018, I can’t help but think about inspiration. I have been so inspired by so many people I have been fortunate enough to meet on social media. I have heard about struggles in so many areas of life and have been inspired by the determination and success of so many to overcome their struggles in order to find balance and happiness. 

The Joy of J, Holidays, New Year, Happiness, Jani Gerard, Tavern on the Green
Jani Gerard, the joy of j, fashion blogger in New York City, tavern on the green, happiness, charity, giving back

As women, we have to deal with the aspects of everyday life which can sometimes be difficult. But, we can also find time to pursue what makes us happy. The Joy of J is an invitation to women of all ages to act on and promote the passions that define you – an expression of who you are and what brings you joy. In 2018, think about what makes you happy and pursue it. Follow your passions! Share the Joy. Join the Movement.