I Will Be The Change

The Joy of J by jani gerard new york city fashion blogger

I like my raincoats just like I like my men - transparent and protective.
Unfortunately, our society has been having serious issues with
transparency - in relationships with loved ones, government, and business.
Mahatma Ghandi said “Be the change you wish to see in the world” and
Gosh Darnit! I will be! Being transparent means being honest and open.

jani gerard in Burberry transparent trench coat with gold Michael Kors dress
Burberry transparent trench coat

Transparency also allows light and color to shine through. This double
breasted raincoat by Burberry not only allows my gold dress by Michael Kors to be the star of the show; but it’s added layer of lucidity compliments the
sparkle. Reflecting light, showcasing beauty, practicing transparency,
simply being. Whoever knew I could practice Ghandi’s principles through
fashion? #Be the change. Wear transparency. Shine your light.

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