The Joy of J

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Find Your Magic

Let's be honest. Were these boots made for walkin'? Not necessarily. But they were made to create magic. This beautifully detailed Balmain suede jacket and this gorgeous Chloe Pixie bag already made me feel sophisticated and chic. However, when I stepped into these suede boots by St. Laurent, I felt an electric shock travel through my feet and permeate my whole body; totally shifting my energy.

I automatically felt more powerful, taller, stronger, alluring - ready to conquer the world. In one of my favorite childhood movies, "The Wizard of Oz," Dorothy's  magic ruby red slippers, protect her from an evil witch and help her find her way home. These slippers represent a girl's ability to triumph over powerful forces. But, in the land of Oz, I wonder if the magic of the ruby red slippers was a symbol for Dorothy to help her believe in the superhuman qualities that she already possessed. We all know that the Tin Man had a heart long before the Wizard gave him one. 

Whether you are wearing ruby red slippers or YSL boots. Whether you are fighting flying monkeys in an imaginary world or pounding the pavement in a concrete jungle. Find your magic. It could come from your boots, or your boots could simply remind you of the strength you already have hiding inside you. You are magic. Don't forget. Find magic. Find joy.