The Joy of J

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The Joy of J: An Introduction

This womanhood thing is not for the faint of heart- especially if your spirit will not allow you to mute yourself. I still remember how annoyed my ex business partner was when I’d make strong, assertive decisions. How could I manage to be likeable yet still be smart? In American Horror Story, the wise sage Lady Gaga proclaims “Oh honey, Goddesses don’t speak in whispers. They scream.” I’m here to encourage you to find your powerful voice. Freaking use a bullhorn if necessary! Your perspective and life experience is important! This blog was created to be a reminder of the courage, beauty and joy that lives within you. This blog is also unique because we use fashion as a vehicle for social change. 

We will be having YOU vote on which human rights/women’s charity will be the recipient of our support. Your voice is just as important as mine in this blog. We are in this together. So let us remind each other that we can be assertive and still be feminine- that we can be strong and still be kind and we may all endure rain; but we also get to embrace the rainbow at the end. Let’s be empowered  to find our strong authentic voice and live out loud together. Sometimes to deal, you put on some Maison Valentino, eat a cupcake and give life your best kick! 

Share the Joy, Join the Movement