The Joy of J

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Valentine's Day Inspo: Be Your Own Hero. Fight for Love.

Sometimes, in order to be the magical, superhuman version of yourself, clothes play an essential role. Superman always existed within Clark Kent, but he couldn’t come out, kick @$* and take names without a wardrobe change. Superman couldn’t fly without his cape. Wonder Woman couldn’t lasso up anybody without her boots and rope; and Cat Woman would just be Woman (named Selina) without her catsuit and whip. On the other hand, there is a reason these heroes have alter egos. No one can be super all of the time. Superheroes must preserve themselves and save superpowers for when duty calls. Well, with Valentine’s Day upon us, it is time to reveal the superhuman version of myself because I fight for love. I don’t know how Valentino knew how to externalize my innermost feelings of love and glamour through this superhero outfit.

He understands the colors, silhouettes and fabrics that summon my strongest qualities. This fur studded jacket by Valentino is my cape and this silk Valentino dress gives me Cupid-like powers to shoot joy and love into the hearts of all Debbie Downers. During this season when we celebrate love, I encourage you to reveal your inner superpowers based in love as well. In the words of Superman, “There is a superhero inside all of us. All we need is the courage to put on the cape.” Put on the cape. 

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